The Fidei Defensor Motorcycle Club was established in 2005 and is comprised of Veterans, Private Military Contractors, and patriots who have decided to guide themselves as a brotherhood under our founding principles. Our passion is the open road and the experience and memories of riding with our brothers. Our club business is our own and we will not interfere in yours. If you would like to ride with us or just hang out feel free to do so. Most of the Fidei Defensor MC members are still serving our country overseas, and we have lost many of our brothers.
Therefore, FDMC is steadfast in its commitment to the brotherhood of our members and their enjoyment on the open road and their time together. We will ride any distance to spend the time to have a beer or a cup of coffee and share the camaraderie that few men will ever know. The Fidei Defensor Motorcycle Club proudly supports our troops, honors our veterans and all those who have gone into harms way in support of our nation and our nations allies.
The FDMC and its members support the rights and freedoms of the United States of America, our Allies and our servicemen world wide. The Fidei Defensor Motorcycle Club is 100% against what Islamic extremism stands for and imposes on its people and western societies. FDMC is also against anyone who opposes the ideals and principals that our great nations were founded upon. We have and will again, gladly, give our lives to preserve these values and ideals that our founding fathers and our brothers have bled and died for and to prevent extremism and tyranny from our soil, our children and our families. We do not dwell or live in the past. We do not worry about or are afraid of the future. We live for right now, today, this minute. Tomorrow may not come. This we will defend.